A Day in CovidKashmir - How it all works?

To update our website, we rely on two sources only, Daily Media Bulletins and News Reports in various newspapers. The media bulletin comes out only once a day (or sometimes twice) and contains a lot of data that we have to update. On the other hand, news reports can come out at any time during the day but usually, we have to update the live statistics only with that data. The two sources trigger different workflows, and I will divide this article into two sections, each detailing a workflow.

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The Stack behind CovidKashmir

We had decided that the first blog post would be about how we run our daily operations but while writing that, I realised that I can’t write it properly without explaining the technological sides of the website. When we started this website in March, the website was divided into two parts, a static frontend, and Google Sheets as the backend. Over the months, other small parts have been added to support the features that we created.

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